Friday, May 04, 2007

Baby Class 4: "Just in Case"

Last night was our fourth (of six) birth and baby classes. This is the one that they over prepped me for, though it has calmed my brain down a bit.

I appreciate that they have a class specifically for things that "might come up" and we should prepare for, just in case. We started with the easy stuff, the baby vacuum and the forceps. We got into fetal monitors, both internal and external.

Then came the video. The Cesarean section video.

The video was not nearly as bad as I had prepared myself for. I think that's partly due to hearing more directly from our best-of-friends less than three weeks ago about their experience. Once again, there were things in the video that were being amended by the class leadership as it went along. MAKE NEW VIDEOS!! Call TLC, they have plenty!

These classes, though outdated most times, are good for putting video to what I've read over the last eight months. I am hoping that Anny is feeling the same way.

We did some relaxation exercises, too. We started with a visual trip to the beach. I immediately said "yeah, us red heads and the beach. relaxing." I'm guessing that Abby feels the same way too! As soon as we began to visualize the beach, she started trying to run in Anny's belly! It was funny for both of us.

Next week is practice labor. That should be interesting.... "PUSH, but not really!"

This afternoon we have an ultrasound scheduled. I doubt that I'll get the pics up today, but will hopefully get to it tomorrow. Tomorrow is our hospital tour at the right hospital, too.

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