Monday, April 30, 2007

Blog Poll Number 2 - Communication

Okay okay - I get it. Based on the results of the Mothers Day Poll, I have already purchased a gift, and it is already on Anny's hand. With the heat and such, her hands have swollen a little bit, so I got her an interim-wedding-band. Yes, it's only a seven week gift, but it's what she wanted.

Yes, I can be too practical sometimes.

Now, onto our next Poll: How do you want to be notified that Abby has arrived?

We have a dear friend who has moved to Texas that has prompted this particular poll. Her mother, bless her heart, called us at 2:30 am to let us know that their daughter was born. While we apreciated that we were included, it was an announcement that could wait until morning.

I have several choices for you this time, since I know that some people prefer to hear in different ways. You will notice that "a phone call" is not on that list. It's nothing personal aimed in your direction, but we want to be practical about how many people we will want to be on the phone with after a hopefully-simple birth.

So - your choices, in no particular order:
An e-mail would be nice - You'll simply get an email when we know all of the good details!
A test message for me - I'm cool. I'm hip. I can send a text message out to folks too!
A good, old-fashioned card in the mail - I don't want to take away from the traditionalists out there!
I'll just wait for pictures to be posted here - Trust me, it won't take very long!
Other - I'm open to creativity. I will draw the line at "get on the news by doing something crazy to let me know that she's arrived" but would be open to suggestions!

Your mission - 1) answer the poll over on the right; 2) send us an email with your current contact info. We've already set up an email address for the little one, so send info to I can check that from anywhere and can send out announcements from anywhere!

As always - please feel free to comment below for the world to see. Please do not include any of your personal information, as this IS a public site!


Bullwinkle said...

Another option: Rather than random checking, one could subscribe to the RSS feed and let the blogsite let you know that its been updated.

But I want an email. :)

Sarahlynn said...

I'll wait for a phone call from Carol. An email with vital stats later would be cool. : )