Thursday, August 28, 2008

Two Day Shoes

Three is a dilemna when you have a child that truly requires patience and timing.  Shoes.

Now that Abby can walk, shoes are not only important, but essential.  It was not that long ago that they were simply a fashion statement... merely a foot covering.  Now that she has the ability to use the bottom of her feet for more than tickling the right shoe at the right time has become a game.

In the last month Abby has grown out of five pairs of shoes.  One she had worn for a month prior.  One we got on July 3 and she is wearing for the last time today. 

One pair, though, she wore twice.  TWO TIMES.  $42 for less than 24 hours of wear time.  ARGH!

We got a pair of the Robeez Tredz* when they first came out, but knew that they were too big.  Every other week or so I've checked to see if they fit, but they never did.  Until last Saturday afternoon.  Success!  The shoes fit!  "She should wear them Sunday" I said, and so she did. 

"They're adorable, she should wear them everyday" I said. 

And she did.

Until Monday afternoon.

You see, Abby has very chubby feet.  They're better now than they used to be.  At least they are no longer as fat as they are long! I noticed that her chubby feet were a bit constricted on Sunday when we took her shoes off, but she seemed okay with it, so we thought they were good.

On Monday at school she apparently just gave up walking about halfway through the day because her feet hurt so much. Poor kid.  She tried to rip her shoes off of her feet, so they took them off for her.  Luckily we had sent some socks with grippy feet, because that's how she got around the rest of the day.

TWO.  DAY.  SHOES.  This might get expensive over the years...

Lucky for her we have a few pairs ready to go, including three that fit right now.  That does mean, though, that we will be buying shoes this weekend in several sizes.  (Outlet shopping ROCKS!)

*We are hoping to find a pair of Tredz this weekend that are more shoe than sandal.  The linked shoe is the one Abby wore for two days.  It is in no way a reflection on their shoes, simply a reflection on her feet.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Finally Done! All of Abby's Olympic Pictures!!

Friends -
A lot of the reason I have not been blogging is that I've been taking pictures.  LOTS of pictures.  Here is the Olympic Project we did with Abby over the last couple of weeks!  (you can see each picture larger by clicking on the links below)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Back To School!

Abby and Anny headed back to school today.  I realize that it's been a while since this site was updated, so here are some quick hits:
  • Had a lovely time with aunt Michelle in town last week! 
  • We took Abby to her first petting farm...and she was AWESOME about the whole thing!  She did try to eat some of the feed, though.
  • Abby did another study at the University, this time studying how toddlers react to the actions of others. 
  • We went to a birthday party for one of Abby's friends.  He just turned one and everyone had a great time.
The really cool thing that has developed more and more in recent weeks is that she has preferences for things - for everything!  She totes around her favorite shoe or toy or water bottle, and clings to it like someone might try to steal it!  It's adorable.

She's adorable.

I promise more regular updates....

PS - Still updating with Olympic pictures, but today there is a picture of Anny and Abby leaving for school.  All are available HERE.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Our Little Project

During the Olympics we are taking pictures of Abby participating in some of the Games. They will be posted in the Flickr set Abby Olympics. It's accessible HERE.