Thursday, August 28, 2008

Two Day Shoes

Three is a dilemna when you have a child that truly requires patience and timing.  Shoes.

Now that Abby can walk, shoes are not only important, but essential.  It was not that long ago that they were simply a fashion statement... merely a foot covering.  Now that she has the ability to use the bottom of her feet for more than tickling the right shoe at the right time has become a game.

In the last month Abby has grown out of five pairs of shoes.  One she had worn for a month prior.  One we got on July 3 and she is wearing for the last time today. 

One pair, though, she wore twice.  TWO TIMES.  $42 for less than 24 hours of wear time.  ARGH!

We got a pair of the Robeez Tredz* when they first came out, but knew that they were too big.  Every other week or so I've checked to see if they fit, but they never did.  Until last Saturday afternoon.  Success!  The shoes fit!  "She should wear them Sunday" I said, and so she did. 

"They're adorable, she should wear them everyday" I said. 

And she did.

Until Monday afternoon.

You see, Abby has very chubby feet.  They're better now than they used to be.  At least they are no longer as fat as they are long! I noticed that her chubby feet were a bit constricted on Sunday when we took her shoes off, but she seemed okay with it, so we thought they were good.

On Monday at school she apparently just gave up walking about halfway through the day because her feet hurt so much. Poor kid.  She tried to rip her shoes off of her feet, so they took them off for her.  Luckily we had sent some socks with grippy feet, because that's how she got around the rest of the day.

TWO.  DAY.  SHOES.  This might get expensive over the years...

Lucky for her we have a few pairs ready to go, including three that fit right now.  That does mean, though, that we will be buying shoes this weekend in several sizes.  (Outlet shopping ROCKS!)

*We are hoping to find a pair of Tredz this weekend that are more shoe than sandal.  The linked shoe is the one Abby wore for two days.  It is in no way a reflection on their shoes, simply a reflection on her feet.


Anonymous said...

Yikes! I'm glad you at least got two days out of them! Our Critter needs new shoes, too. Gonna hit up some sales this weekend...

Amy said...

Y'all need to find someone with a girl just slightly older, maybe 6 or 8 months, and one just slightly younger, so you can pass 'em around. Saves lots of cash.

Wish we lived closer!

Do you have a "Once Upon a Child" or "Merry Go Round" type store out there - where they buy gently used kids' clothes and resell them? I have saved a FORTUNE that way. Haven't sold much yet, with my girlies so close in age, but when Claire gets a little bigger, I might take a load of stuff over and see what I can recoup.

Stores like that are also great when Great Aunt Helga gives you some outfit you just can't bring yourself to put on your sweet girl. I will never tell.


Jen @ Rolling Through Looneyville said...

Oh man, I know the feeling. And I'm a shoe snob. I had really good luck with regular robeez, even when they ran a smidge big. And I had a chunker for a baby.

We're about to pass them off to the next one, so at least you can hope for the same when/if you have another munchkin.

In any case, I know the feeling. Ebay is a great option for barely used shoes in great brands.

Becca said...

We are so totally going through the same thing! Just today my husband called me and said her "new" shoes and orthotics are too small. When I say "new", I mean that we bought them in the spring and it was too hot for her to wear them all summer, and now that we're ready for them, they're too small already! I really, really miss being able to just leave her in socks back in the pre-walking days, especialy before she learned to pull her socks off. But kids' shoes are just too cute and I have my eye on some new boots...

Anonymous said...

I'd recommend getting her feet sized by a professional. Someplace that specializes in kid's shoes. We also had a child with fat feet. Robeez would cut the cirulation off even if they were a couple sizes too big. Turns out we needed extra wide shoes. Picked up a pair of Stride Rites and never had a problem since.

Rob said...

Our little guy's feet are chubby too - or at least very thick at the arch - so we've had a tough time finding shoes that will fit correctly. When you compound that with the frequent growth spurts, it seems like we're continually searching for new shoes. And the sizing varies so greatly from one brand to another. Sheesh!

We bought a pair of sandals less than a month ago (thankfully, they were in a clearance bin so they cost less than $10!) and he already can't wear 'em.

Fortunately for our best friends, their youngest boy is about 10 months behind ours, so they get all of our cast-offs. Unfortunately, their oldest is 3 years beyond ours, so they can't really return the favor.