Tuesday, February 24, 2009

She Had the Strangest Dream...

It is my assumption that Abby had a bizarre dream last night.  That's the only explaination that I can come up with.  Here's my story...

Last night Anny went up to church for her month Women's Group gathering where they talk about boys and stuff.  (Not really, but that is what I say!)  That meant that Abby and I got to spend some quality time together playing and reading books and such. 

At bath time something happened, though I don't know what, that made her mood change from "this is fun" to "get me the hell out of this water or you'll pay!"  Nothing happened in the water, and I could not get her to tell me what hurt.  I'm guessing that she's just crazy. 

After getting her into her PJ's, through tears, we sat down for our daily dose of Signing Time on the DVR.  She cuddled really close for the first half, and I pried her off during the latter half to get some other things taken care of.  Part of getting her to sit on her own was to give her the famous Purple Hat.  It seems to be in every other picture on our Flickr Site because she wears it all the time.

270/365 Fashion Icon?

I had to take the hat away before bed time, of course. That went over okay and with very little notice, really.

Then came 2:30 this morning. With everyone sound asleep, we were awoken to hear "PURPLE" being yelled from Abby's Room. Then "HAT!"  That was followed by "PURPLE HAT?!"  Anny got up and assured her that the purple hat was okay and that it was time for sleep, not hats. 

I am assuming that she was having some sort of dream about her beloved purple hat, but can't ask her what was going on because she has no clue it even happened!

When she got up at 5:15 and we went out for our breakfast time, she very quickly found her purple hat and they were united once again. 


Monday, February 09, 2009

Parent Teacher Conference

One of the perks of the the wonderful daycare that we have is that we have real feedback from our teachers on a daily basis, and twice a year we have a sit-down, parent teacher conference with the lead teacher.  (We could rave about this place until the cows come home, and then I remember how much we're paying and it helps to level things out...)

Last week we had our first of two (three?) PTC's at Abby's school, and all is right in Abby's developmental world!  Hooray!  Actually, she is doing better than her classmates on the charts, but that's because she is older and associated more with a boy who has since moved to the older classroom.  She got check marks down two pages of "Developmental Goals of a 12-24 Month Old" and has begun to check things off on the same type of list for 24-36 month olds.  It's really hard to believe how much she has developed, grown and just become a whole little person over the last six months.

There were two comments that stuck out on the otherwise Abby-Praising Pages:

1 - "Abby has developed an aversion to wet and sticky things - like finger paints."
Umm - what child does not like finger paints?  It would seem that my daughter does not like them.  She is the same toddler that does not like rice because of the texture.  Yesterday afternoon I tried to work on this, but Anny pulled out the paintbrush that I had stashed on the table (out of sight) before I popped open the paint.  Oh well, we will work on this one.

2 - "Abby is beginning to show age-appropriate aggression."
Yeah - our toddler is beating people up.  Not other-toddler people, either.  No, not really.  Abby is very routine and schedule oriented.  When I had her home last week sick for a couple of days I tried to stick to our normal routines, and she kept me to them!  Even her nap was on time, at her persistence.  Turns out that at school if they try to spring something on her (even as simple as "time to change your diaper") she can be pretty forceful about not moving.  She has even been caught on several occasions pushing her teachers!

All in all, Abby's progress is awesome and she's ahead of the curve on a lot of things.  Really, as long as she's having fun, we're happy.  (But it was totally awesome to hear someone else say what we've been thinking!)