Friday, June 29, 2007

A Fun Filled Week!

Abby certainly has had an action-packed third week of life!

  • First trip to Church - got to meet her future cronies
  • First trip for ice cream - mmmm. Coldstone Creamery
  • Lunch at the Presbytery Office
  • First dinner out - a nice but quick trip to Noodles & Co with SuperUncle and Nadia.
She is also staying awake a little bit more everyday. We have been blessed that she prefers to be awake during the day, not at night! Blessing for us! She is patient when I make her pose for pictures, too!

We also read two boks to her this week.

One we found while we were away for a wedding: A is for Abigail. It's by Lynne Cheney, but we still bought it. It's a chronicle of important women in the history of the US, grouped by things they have done (i.e. athletes)

The other was found through a blog friend-of-a-friend. It's Z is for Zamboni, and it's an alphabet book about hockey! (am I trying too hard to make sure she's a fan?!) It's a fun but quick read, which is good for me, right?

That's an update for today. We've added pics to the Picasa album, too!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

New Location, Same Great(ful) Family!

We've migrated the site over to

Please update any links or bookmarks.

(the old address will push you here, don't worry!)

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Adventures of a One Week Old

Wow have we had some adventures in the last couple of days! The doctor's appointment was just the beginning....

It was insanely hot on Tuesday, so we kept cool in the house. We took a day or so to completely eliminate bottles from Abby's diet. While we were at the hospital, she was showing signs of being Jaundiced. Because of that, they gave us some Similac in bottles to keep her extra hydrated. It's much easier to eat from a bottle than from a breast. The doctor told us explicitly on Monday - no more bottles! It took some convincing, but we've got Abby on board now.

Wednesday was nice out, so we obviously chose to go to the mall! Just a quick trip into the real world to get a couple of things we need. While Anny was trying on a new shirt, Abby got fussy and began to smell.... Yep. With mommy and Nana tied up, it was time for a poopy diaper change! Having left the diaper bag in the car, I whisked her away to change said daiper. Yum.

I did enjoy walking around the mall with her in our sling. I kept hearing "aw, how cute" from folks old enough to know there was a baby on my belly. Stupid teenagers, though, did not realize what it was, so I had to keep her head protected in the pet store.

Here is a picture from yesterday. I call it Yeah dad, that's my smelly diaper for you!

From Abigail
And that's just some of what we have done this week!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Baby's First Doctors Appointment

Great news!!

After almost a week in the world, Abby has actually gained weight! Typically babies lose 5-7% of their birth weight in the first week. Her gaining weight is a great thing.

Other important things:
Her reflexes are good
She is wetting and pooping enough during the day that her systems are good
That also means that she is getting enough food
Her cord is getting closer to falling off, and does not have any infections

We're super-excited about our little girl! She's definately an Awesome Abby!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

My First Father's Day

Oh what a happy day! The last several years I have dreamt of being able to celebrate Father's Day. This year it finally happened!

It's been quite a nice day around here. We went for a nice walk this morning to get out of the house a bit. For dinner we had steak and veggies on the grill. Yum-o!

We have taken many pictures, but are insistent on not flooding the world with our little girl. We have years ahead of us to do that! Here is one of the three of us!

(I am not going to continiue to publish the link to our web album on each post. There is a permanent link in the sidebar)

My cousin noticed the flowers in the background, which was strange. I would like to point out that those are from our backyard! Three different purples, all of which are beautiful!

We appreciate all of the well wishes and want to be sure that you all know that! We are so elated to be parents that we're not doing well at replying to emails. We read each one aloud to each other and are touched by your kind words. You are a great group of friends and we're grateful to have you.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Day Three Pics and Update

Anny and Abby got to come home today! Everything is going really well, though we're all a bit tired.

Here's one picture of the happiest family I know:

More are available at:

Might get the birth story tomorrow, but no promises. We're just getting to know routines as we go along....

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Day Two Pics

Mama and Baby come home tomorrow!!

Both are doing really really well! If you talk to me on the phone, you would know that I'm just a bit elated that she's finally here!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Details and Photos

It happened! We had our baby today!

This is the picture of the happy family.
The essentials details are these:
Abigail Carolyn Monroe
Born June 12 at 1:25 pm
Weighed in at 7 pounds, 13 ounces
Length is 20 inches

Anny is a trooper, but I will not share more of the actual birth story without her express, written consent for fear of beheading!

More pictures are available HERE.

Go ahead, let me hear your applause and congratulations! I'll pass them all along to Anny and Abby tomorrow.

BTW - they should both be home on Thursday afternoon!!

Abby's BIRTH Day

The following is narrated by both Anny and Rob. Anny is in bold and Rob is in italics. Enjoy...

Collectively we feel like we can piece together the events that led up to Abigail's birth. Gory details will be minimal.

You all know that we had scheduled an induction for Tuesday, June 12th. We wanted to be sure that Anny's mom, Carol, had a chance to arrive from Casper, Wyoming. When we picked her up from the airport, we were all relieved. I have been preparing, but we both knew that having Carol there would make it a little bit easier.

As it seems to go with all scheduled baby-events, Abby did not want to wait it out for medical intervention.

At about 3 in the morning on the 12th, Anny began to have some contractions. Knowing that I needed some more sleep to be productive the rest of the day, Anny didn't wake me up until about 4:30. When Carol came upstairs in the morning, we had some breakfast before heading to the hospital.

Contractions are always depicted as terrible pains that cause a woman to double over and yell. What they don't tell you is that contractions begin as menstrual cramps... uncomfortable and annoying but nothing that requires yelps of pain.

We had pre-registered at the hospital six weeks in advance to avoid any unnecessary delays if we needed to make a quick trip. Since we had planned this one, it just happened to be one less thing that we had to do. We walked in (with a pillow, three bags and enough snacks to last for a long long time!) and were shown pretty quickly to the laboring room.

Once we set up shop - magazines and water for everyone - we played a waiting game. As with most hospital procedures, they asked us to come in at 7:30 with no intention of getting things started until 9 or so. This meant that we had some time to catch up with Carol and go through our last minute mental checklists. Everything being in order, we talked awkwardly for a while until it was time for the drip to begin.

While "waiting" as Rob puts it, I was still experiencing contractions. They were manageable and I was more troubled by the pelvic exams. After one of these exams, I told the nurse that I felt something wet trickling down my leg. She tested it with a little strip of paper (like for a litmus test) and said that my water broke. No gush in an embarrassing place, and come to find out, my water probably broke earlier but was such a slow drip I had no idea.

Because my contractions were still very irregular, they began a drip of pitocin. Now I have friends who have been induced with pitocin and they remain in labor for hours while their cervix slowly dilates. I had a very different experience with pitocin; luckily, I had a wonderful nurse. After beginning the drip, she watched the monitor (and me) as I worked through a SIX MINUTE CONTRACTION. At which point, she said that was enough and turned it off completely.

Yeah, it was a bit weird to be able to see the seismic activity of contractions on the computer monitor next to the bed. I tried not to anticipate too much, but wanted to warn Anny that things were going up or down. Feeling of control or of participation I guess.

Unfortunately, we lost the greatest nurse in WAH to a C-section she had to assist and were stuck with a substitute who did not have the best bedside manner. The greatest nurse in WAH, however, returned in time to help me through transition and the real work of labor, pushing.

I believe one of the explanations for why labor is so difficult (aside from the pain of course), is that there's little way to know how long it is going to last. I was recently talking to a friend who has also recently had her first child and explained it like this: If you are running a marathon, you have a specific distance and approximate time limit; but in labor no one can tell you 30 contractions and five hours. It may speed up and progress quickly only to stall at 7 cm with no progress for several hours. During the delivery, there's visible progress and an estimate for the actual delivery which doctors and nurses are very good at coaching, but labor itself does not progress linearly.

So as the doctor and nurse prepared for Abby's delivery, my world became very small. It was just me and pushing. The doctor gave instructions from "down there" and I know that Rob was holding one foot while my mother had the other one. With each contraction I was to push to the count of ten three times - the first couple pushes, too many people were counting (nurse, Mom, Rob). It was mom's loud voice that finally won and continued counting for the remainder of the pushes, although the nurse took over holding my foot. Throughout all of this, I don't really remember anything else going on around me, just voices and pushing.

The sequence of events are a little fuzzy, but I remember also needing a catheter. I had tried a couple times, unsuccessfully, to use a bed pan during labor, but I don't know how anyone pees in one of those things particularly at 9 months pregnant. So my bladder was still fairly full; the contractions and position of the baby were just preventing an easy release.

I remember the catheter. It was weird because....oh wait. We're keeping the gross stuff to a minimum. Let's just say I could hear her bladder empty. Weird.

I do not understand anyone who wants a home-birth for the simple reason that someone has to clean up that mess. Hospitals have all the right tarps and absorbent materials to make this super easy - Rob can probably describe these better since I really did not see much them.

Again - There are things I will take to the grave with me. If you would like real details in this regard to prepare yourself for your own birth experience, drop me an email.

I'll save the description of the sensations of giving birth for those who REALLY want to know, but there's a reason women don't often share this information.

At some point, the doctor did give me an episiotomy, but I have no idea when. I had signed a waiver when I was checked in explaining that the doctor would do this if she felt it necessary without consulting me. Remember, I had no anesthesia, but it wasn't until the doctor told me that I knew of the episiotomy. I felt nothing - she did, however, give me a local anesthetic to stitch me up.

I swore that I did not want any part of seeing Abby actually come out. I don't have a strong stomach for things like that. At some point, though, I realized that this was MY birth experience too, and I should take some pride in what my wife was doing to bring our precious baby into this world. Bottom line, it's not as gross as some of the previously mentioned sights.

I did stick to my guns about not cutting the umbilical cord. Let someone else do that. The cord on that kid was enormous. I thought it was small and dark, but this was thick and very white. I'm glad that it was there, just not something I feel like I should be doing, cutting away at my wife and daughter at the same time.

The other annoyance that is not often mentioned is that you still have to deliver the placenta after the baby arrives. I was watching the nurse clean up Abby, wanting more than anything to hold her, and my mother commented that Abby's toes were not webbed like mine are, as the doctor massaged my belly to help the final contractions expel the placenta.

No, Abby's toes are not webbed like two pairs of Anny's, but they were curled up really far.

It really was an amazing sight to see Abby getting cleaned up and realizing that I got to hold her first. I didn't cry, but I was certainly moved. (Doesn't mean crying is bad, just couldn't do it.) I made sure to keep reassuring Anny that things went amazingly well and that the worst of it was over. We got to hold Abby almost right away.

She was taken away for her APGAR testing, which she passed with 9's (of 10) both times. They also did hearing tests and warmed her up for a while.

Gramps and Pam drove home from the beach that morning and were holding Abby within an hour of her birth. It was a truly awe inspiring sight.

Truth be told, we're posting this as Abby has just turned four months old and backdated to the date and aproximate time Abby was born. I think this post is long enough. If you have questions or notice that something is missing, please email us offline.

Today's THE Day!

Moderate contractions since 3 am.
Woke me up at about 4 am.
Leaving for the hospital at 7 am.....

Baby by the end of the day....timeless.

I'll let you know how the rest of the day goes later!!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Our Last "Responsiblity Free" Weekend

So the question that we have been getting a lot for the last few days is "how are you spending your last responsiblity free weekend??!"

Honestly, just like we've spent many-a-weekend in the last month or so - at home. We've put the final touches on some cleaning around the house. Worked to get the guest room ready for Anny's mom, who arrives tomorrow (Monday) afternoon.

We did spend Saturday a.m. at a community yard sale in Columbia that my SIL organized. Very hot outside, but a very nice day overall. Good people, and we made some money too.

In the afternoon we caught a movie, which was the point that I actually realized that it was the last movie pre-baby. They we picked up a huge white pizza from Mama Lucias, and again I had the "last" thought! I'm okay with those thoughts, because that means Abby will be here soon.

Today we caught up with folks at church, then headed up to Columbia to see Chase the cute baby. (Pics at her moms site:!) At home again we did some vacuuming and are catching up on some cooking shows. All about the new ideas for dinners!

Tomorrow I'll head to work in the morning to catch up with one of my bosses who has been in Italy for the last 14 days. We'll see if he came home, I guess! I'll leave before lunch to spend the rest of the day with my sweetie.

All in all it was a normal weekend for us, with some extra touches thrown in. In less than 48 hours I should be a dad!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Update on the Progress

Went to the doctors office yesterday and found out that things are progressing nicely. So nicely, in fact, that we have assurance that Abby will be born in the next FIVE DAYS!!!

Because everything is in order as far as both Anny and Abby are concerned, if contractions start, we're heading over to the hospital.

If contractions don't start, though, we have scheduled to have an induction on Tuesday morning. Abby is full term, already weighing in at between 7 1/2 and 8 pounds. Anny is ready.

So - one way or another, by next week at this time, I'll be a real father! "Raising a critter on the outside" as Natalie puts it!

Any last-minute advice?

**Updated Baby Pool is available. Click the LARGE Yellow box on the right with the teddy bear on it!**

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

6 5 07 Belly Pic

Okay, we've stopped with the measuring. Something intimidating about numbers that big!
The baby bump has become a baby ball!
Anny is amazingly beautiful! I'm really going to miss the bump, but I'm really going to have other things to occupy my time!
Don't forget to register your guess for when Abby will be born. There's a link on the right!