Friday, May 11, 2007

Baby Class Five: Push, but DON'T Push

Last night we had our class that included "mock labor." There was an involved story about waking up to contractions (not waking Rob) and doing some breathing. now practice breathing.

Now contractions are a little stronger.... practice breathing with the four count.

Now you've gotten to the hospital because contractions are x minutes apart and last for x seconds.... practice breathing the next count. (I think it's two. Seems like natural progression.)

You get the picture! When we got to the "Now push, but don't push" part, Anny just had to hold her breath for an eight count, then let it go. I asked if the teacher ever had someone actually push during the practice stuff and induce their own labor. I was assured that it had not happened on her watch!

The entire mock labor lasted about 20 minutes. We were told nicely "okay, when it really happens it will be more like 14 hours, but that was easy, right?!"

The other big thing we did was go over all of the immediately-after-birth procedures and such.
Here's the ice pack that we use. Pass it around.
Here's the wonderful mesh panties you always hear about. Pass them around.
Here's what Tucks medicated pads look like. Pass them around.
Here's the massive maxi pad product that you will use. And you will appreciate it. Pass it around.

Sounds like fun.

Doctors appointment earlier this week said that measurements are right on track, so the earlier week-and-a-half-ahead is not the case anymore. Doesn't have to go back for two weeks to that office.

Another ultrasound today. Hopefully we'll get better pictures this time to share!

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