Monday, May 07, 2007

05 04 Ultrasound

Friday we went in to see Abby close up, but none of the pictures that they gave us were any good. Mostly just blurs.

She measured in at 5 lb 3 oz! That made Anny really nervous.

The general rule of thumb is that you'll gain a pound a week during the last several weeks leading up to the baby's birth. We still have six weeks to go, and Anny did the quick math to figure out that Abby will be an 11 pound baby! Thank goodness she didn't ask me, but asked the doctor if she were mistaken.

It is true that MOM will gain about a pound a week, but baby will gain a quarter to half a pound a week. The rest is fluid and such.

Overall everything is going really well and things are on track. We will now have weekly ultrasounds because of Anny's thyroid. This is especially exciting because she keeps scheduling them for Friday afternoons, which means I get to leave work early!

1 comment:

Lis said...

Wow it's really coming down to the wire! So exciting!