Friday, May 25, 2007

New Poll: How Much is Too Much?

We've gotten many gifts, and we're thankful for all of them! We are, though, having a debate in our house.

How much pink is too much pink?

As the pictures would show, we have taken an intentional approach to not painting Abby's room pink. We knew she was a girl really early on in the planning stages, and chose to go with the neutral blue and green. Strollers, car seats, pack-n-play and such are not pink on the registry. We want a girl and are more-than-excited to be having a girl join our little slice of the world.


There's always a But, right?

We're both feeling a little like we're drowning in a pink ocean. We have gotten several of everything in pink. We also have made an effort to not buy too many things on our own, knowing that we would receive gifts. (Which I restate, we are apreciative of!) What we have purchased has mostly been white.

So, the new poll is: How much pink is too much pink? Vote on the right side ~~>>


Anonymous said...

One of my first thoughts after processing the fact that we were going to have a boy is that we are so much LESS likely (not entirely though!) to have to deal with an overabundance of pink. And, as it turns out, an overabundance of any one color. I've seen tons of "boy stuff" that is blue, sure, but also green, brown, red, and lots of other colors. I promise you won't get anything pink from us!

Our New Baby said...

Thank you for the post on our site. We wish you the best of luck with everything. I think you should enjoy the entire color spectrum.

Anonymous said...

There's never too much pink. My baby is now 14 and loves pink.