Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A Fun Filled Week has Begun!

Abby's birthday has been celebrated once already, and the festivities will not end for a while!

There is a group of good people from our church that go to the local Wendy's each Sunday following worship. (Sorry, Sarahlynn. Wendy's really is an every-week occurrence for us! You should see what they've done to the Frosty!) Since we're not sure what's happening next Sunday, Abby had her first "Happy Birthday" sung to her following lunch last week. I can attest that there is something really cool about having a choir (like, real choir) of people singing such a song, in harmony, to your kid. Very cool.

On Wednesday we will go to Abby's school to celebrate in the classroom's end-of-year party. It sounds like all of the parents and teachers will be there, so that will be kind of cool. The flyer said there will be "happy hour types of food" so I'm hoping for some chicken wings. Not really. We will celebrate the growth that the children have made, and present the teachers with a little something.

Thursday is Abby's big day! We don't have anything planned except a dinner at home and opening gifts that are from far away places that needed to be shipped. Some came wrapped, but some did not. It looks like I have some constructing to do! YAY!

For school we have decided to send fruit cups for each child because there will be so much sugar on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Hopefully it will go over well. Who are we kidding? If it does not go over well, the children will deal with it anyway!

Friday is Abby S's birthday. (One of the three Abigail's out of three children under 1!) There will be more school celebrating, but we're taking it easy at our house! We are hoping to have dinner out with some folks as a pre-party party.

Saturday is the Big Birthday Party! We're not sticking with a theme or inviting many people. Okay, we invited many people only because we have lots of family around here. Last month I had planned on cleaning once for two parties, but in between said parties I have created quite the mess. I think I'll be cleaning the house tonight to make room for all of the people coming over!

The real thing that is crazy to me is that when all is said and done Abby will have no idea that it's happened. I might as well enjoy the ride, right?!!


Anonymous said...

1 already?! Way to go Abby. I hope she has fun at her party and smashes a lot of cake.

Rebecca Osborne said...

Hey Guys! Ok so I have been out of cyber world because we don't have internet at the moment. Thanks to mum and dad I'm on here now! YAY!
I wanted to say Happy Birthday to Abby from all of us here downunder... We hope you all have a wonderful fun-filled week by the sounds of it...
Also Miss Hannah is going to be a big sister! We are due in October!
Anyway I want to send you an email asap so expect one very soon.
Love ya guys... HAVE FUN ABBY! :)