Monday, March 03, 2008

Observations From a Walk

It's 6:00 and 66 degrees (Fahrenheit, that is) outside. Needless to say, today is a great day for a walk around the lake! In our area there are at least a half dozen nice places to walk, including one right here in town. (Funny that it has its' own Wiki page!)

Anny, unfortunately, had a dentist appointment this afternoon, so Abby and I took off. I thought I would share some observations from our little jaunt:
  • First, I am out of shape. Anny has been much better during the cold weather about walking at school. I don't have the opportunity, though, and by the time I get home I just want to chill with Abby.
  • Fishing is what can bridge all of our differences! I saw people of four different races with lines in the water today.
  • It's windy on the lakes this time of year.
  • I'm convinced that all businesses should be required to close two hours early for the first five 70 degree days. Talk about boosting morale! (I did not get to leave early, but it would have been nice.)
  • Walking the lake loop is more fun with a friend. More specifically, a friend that can talk. Abby is fun and all, but I missed having Anny around. I'm such a sap.
Two questions for you all:
What did you do with the nice weather?
How long can I get away with telling Abby that Geese are Ducks? They look similar, sound the same, and there is no way she will know the difference for a long time. Am I a bad dad for telling her they are ducks?


Anonymous said...

It was really hard to stay inside today! This morning Chase went to the swings with the babysitter then we killed some more time in the early afternoon walking up and down the block. Around 3 we walked up to starbucks so I could get a shot of courage to power me through the rest of my night and then Chase took one last walk to the corner to visit a buddy right before dinner.

As to the ducks v. geese this is a really tough question. It's relatively easy in a book to fudge the difference because ducks and geese are pretty interchangeable when they're illustrations in children's books. In person though I think it's more difficult because they have different calls. Chase knows that ducks say quack and seagulls sort of caw and makes the different noises so when a goose honks she knows something's up. I JUST started pointing out the differences. We'll see how much confusion this leads to.

My point... I do think it's ok to blur the lines a little but beyond that I'm just fumbling along.

Anonymous said...

Dave is convinced that ducks speak French and that geese speak German, so.... there's that for a difference. I say, start 'em off right - the more the distinguish between critters now, the more they'll see the individual characteristics of them each later!

Bullwinkle said...

For a very long time, I had Justin saying that Bear's say "woof"... see we knew a dog named Bear and Bear spoke dog.

So, as long as you don't teach her that cows say 'meow', I'm o.k. with it.