Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Tales of a Schoolgirl

School Stories from this week, in pictures:

Another baby accidently scratched Abby on her head yesterday. We are guessing that it actually bled, but by the time we saw her she was fine. Because of regulations, though, we did also receive an Incident Report! (The picture is focused on the report-worthy scratch. Can you see it? I can't!)

Last Friday was picture day at school! We will see how their pictures come out.

In an effort to remind us to dress her nicely on Thursday of last week they stuck a sticker on her butt so that we could not miss it! Just says "The next school day is picture day!" Cuteness.

I have not scanned in the certificate she received for sitting up at school. Probably won't at this point.

We love our daycare folks. They are good to Abby and good to us. Thankful we are.


Our New Baby said...

This sticker is sure cute. I hope things are going well. Take care!

SarahKM126 said...

Okay seriously....the sticker and the certificate...TOO CUTE!