Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Five Months Old!

Our little girl is now five months old!!

She has mastered:
Being cute
Rolling over
Responding in kind to smiles and sticking her tongue out
Recognizing faces and voices

She is working on:
Sitting up - she's steady for a VERY short time, but is getting stronger
Sitting herself up - it looks like she's doing crunches. Adorable.

Our doctor has given the go ahead to start her on cereal in two weeks. (for those non-parents, we're not talking about Boo Berry, just rice cereal.) (Sheesh, now I really want some Boo Berry!) I am all for starting her on it a week early, but Anny has it in writing that we should wait until 5 1/2 months.

Anny and I are currently debating about our Annual Christmas Letter. We're still not even talking about the letter itself, just the picture that will accompany the letter. I say that people would rather see a picture of Abby alone, but Anny thinks that the picture should be of all three of us. Since our opportunity for said picture will most likely occur next week at Thanksgiving Dinner, I would love for you to let me know two things:

What are you doing picture-wise?
What do you think we should do?
Are Christmas Letters out of date?

(A moment of maintenance, if you've not received our letter in the past but would like to this year, drop me an email with your address. Be warned, I will expect one in return!)


Anonymous said...

I am going to try to do all three of us but my fall-back plan is Chase alone. One of my aunts does a bunch of pictures scattered about the page some group photos and some individual but her kids are older obviously. It might not work as well for babies.

Our New Baby said...

We sure like a photo and a short message about the year. Some letters seem to go on and on. We did get a neat letter last year and it was written from the babies perspective. Quite clever.

SarahKM126 said...

Seriously, is the Boo Berry obsession a family trait?!?!