Monday, October 08, 2007

I spoke too soon

Not even 24 hours after this post, I was following Abby and Rob's lead with my own stomach issues. Luckily, it didn't last long because we have had far too much to do.

Abby got to see her first high school homecoming football game. Unfortunately, we forgot to bring her a hat and her cheeks got a little pink from being outside so much. Oh, and we lost...

Abby, Rob and I have also had the requisite head cold for the beginning of the school year. So we have learned how much Abby hates the bulb to remove snot. I have explained that I will stop using it as soon as she learns to blow her nose... she and I are still trying to figure out how soon she can learn to do this.

Now we are preparing for Abby's baptism. So many people love her: Nana and Grampa are coming from Wyoming, uncle, aunt and two cousins are coming from St. Louis, Rob's dad is coming from Florida, Gramma and her husband are coming from North Carolina, Great Gramps and great aunt are coming from Delaware, great aunt and great uncle from Virgina, aunt from Virginia and of course, all the local friends and relatives. We will pack our house for a reception and pack the church Sunday morning.

Abby is going to wear her great grampa's baptismal gown. Since he died this summer soon after she was born, I am very excited that it fits her and thankful that so many people will be here to share this occasion.

1 comment:

Sarahlynn said...

Oh, you must be stressed out of your minds!