Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Four Month Check-Up

All good news!

Length - 24.5 inches
Weight - 15 pounds

She's happy. She's healthy.

She go four shots and a follow up drinkable vaccine that was begun last time. She freaked out when the shots were in her legs, but a quick thinking daddy plugged the cry hole with a bottle, which she wanted desperately anyway.

We don't have to go back until six months, which will be the week before Christmas. By that time we are supposed to move her to rice cereal in conjunction with formula. We got the general schedule of foodness from 0 to 12 months. Once we start rice cereal, things happen pretty quickly from that point on. Lots of different things, and a few to avoid.

She's growing so quickly right as we watch. It's pretty awesome to be a dad! (Anny, for the record, says the same about being a mom!)


sbsterling said...

yeah, shots are NO fun. What was the drinkable vaccine for? And how did you get her to "drink" it?

Sarahlynn said...

Rotavirus, if it's the same shot schedule Ada is on. And that's amazing; just a few years ago when Ellie was this age, there was no rotavirus vaccine (and therefore an overnight at Children's Hospital for us).

With baby flat on her back and a nurse administering the vaccine orally, baby has little chance to escape it!

My girls go in next week for their 4 year and 9 month check-ups, respectively. Flu shot time for all!