Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Little Miss Constant Amazer

Abby continues to amaze us...

Over the weekend while giving Abby her bath, she said and signed "finished."  I told her that she needed to wash her toes, only as a stalling tactic while I finished brushing my teeth.  She insisted... "finished!"

I hurried up and finished up my tooth-brushing, for fear of even more insistence!

While the water drained Abby looked up and said "owl" a couple of times.  Anny had joined us in the bathroom at this point, and the two of us stood over Abby and were bewildered about why she would be saying owl, and so persistently.  Owl.  OWl.  OWL!

We were not paying attention to the whole picture; we were relying on her very primitave speech.  She is only 19 months old after all, she's not supposed to be using sentences.  (and she doesn't... much) 

She was signing to try to bring her parents up to speed.  I can only imagine that in her little mind she's thinking "these people are responsible for my safety and wellbeing, but they can't figure out that I'm signing what I'm trying to say?" Yeah, I put a lot of my own ideas in her head from time to time.

So anyway, back to the bath.  She was done.  She was watching the water drain.  The next logical step, for all but two people in the world....  She was ready for her....


Yeah, I smacked myself in the head for that one.  She's very communicative, if only we pay attention.


Anonymous said...

That's cute. It's amazing how quickly communication develops. It's funny about the owl thing... we've had an owl related miscommunication too. Except I think she was actually referring to an owl and instead of saying owl she was saying hoo. It's all very complicated at this age if you ask me.

Jen @ Rolling Through Looneyville said...

Haha, it only gets better. I still have trouble understanding Bean now and again, and she's generally clear. If I mishear a word that she's trying very hard to get me to understand, she gets MAD. And i take cover.

Abby is cute, cute, cute!