Friday, November 07, 2008

Teething - Again

We think Abby is breaking in her two year molars.  She's running a fairly constant fever, she's cranky and she's not sleeping well.  Hoepfully this means that we will not have too many more teeth to break through for a while....right?

Also - I entered a picture of Abby into a contest on one of my Flickr groups, and it won!  The theme was "Trick or Treat" and here is the shot:

140/365 Choices, Choices

Here is a new top-five picture from last weekend. I called it "Eyes Piercing the Fog"

144/365 Eyes that Pierce the Fog


Jen @ Rolling Through Looneyville said...

Very cute!!

And yes, after the 2yr molars, I think they're done until they start losing the baby teeth, (which I hear doesn't hurt.. nor do the other big teeth rolling in... don't remember though).

Ack, teething... we're heading down that road too, it seems.

Becca said...

Wow, those are GREAT photos! I imagine those were taken with the camera-that-is-no-more...?

I hope the teething resolves itself soon! Samantha has those same molars coming in now, too, but she doesn't seem much affected by them (other than a bit of grinding), luckily.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's a beautiful pic big brother. You have way too much fun with your photo software