Saturday, November 01, 2008

Happy Halloween!

(Click on any photo to see a larger version)

At Abby's school yesterday they had a costume parade, and played with bubbles:
Halloween 2008

Here she is leading the charge for more fun!
Halloween 2008

I made a flower to go with the costume at dinner.  It did not last long once she figured out people were giving her food!
Halloween 2008

We only visited five or six houses, all of folks that we wanted to say "hi" to anyway.  In spite of that, she got a bag FULL of food!  Here she is checking out her haul!
Halloween 2008

Upon closer investigation, she dumped the bag and picked out a Reece's Peanut Butter Cup (my favorite, too).  We did NOT let her eat it right before bed time, I promise.  (And for the record, I didn't eat it either!)

Halloween 2008

Here is my favorite shot from the night. I like it for several reasons, but mostly because she was just so blissfully happy to dig into a big container of sugar. I'm sure she would have, if we let her.
140/365 Choices, Choices

Now the big question is whether or not to let her have some candy. She's had a few pieces of candy over her short life (Thanks Amy!) but typically chocolate winds her up. We'll probably have some with breakfast and keep it at that!

Happy Halloween!
(Or, at this point, All Saints Day!)


Becca said...

I love her costume! And way to go, Abby, on scoring lots of cool candy! (More for Mommy & Daddy!)

Jen @ Rolling Through Looneyville said...

So cute! LOVE the costume! (And we so should have come to your house to trick or treat... we didn't end up with a single peanut butter cup, to my dismay).

I think Bean's kind of forgotten her haul from the festival last night... that's ok... I haven't :) It's in our freezer for an occassional mommy snack.

Did you know Smarties have calcium? (I think... they have some sort of vitamin in them... I think they're gross but kids like 'em).

natalie said...

She is SO adorable as a little bee! We're not going to give the critter any candy - he doesn't know what it is, so he doesn't know what he's missing... yet.

Anonymous said...

Chase is all about dumdums and I'm ok with that. A little hard candy never hurt.