Monday, July 14, 2008

Nana & Grampa's Visit

Abby's Nana and Grampa have just spent a few days with us. Since they live in Casper, Wyoming (insert joke here about more cattle than people in the state of Wyoming), this is the first time they have made the 2000 mile drive although they have made several visits by plane. The excuse for the trip was that Grampa had built a toy "box" which is too big to ship or carry on a plane! And they took the time to tour a few of the Great Lakes along the way.

In the time they were here, Abby went from taking a few occasional steps by herself to walking all over the house alone. She still takes advantage of an adult's finger for an extended walk-about-the-house, but we officially have a toddler.

We visited the Baltimore Aquarium, saw the Capitals Hockey team practice, and had lunch with Great Aunt Jackie and Great Uncle Bill. Most importantly Abby played with Nana and Grampa - a lot - I only wish we had taken pictures so I could put them here.

On Thursday we fly to St. Louis where we will meet up with Nana and Grampa at Uncle Paul and Aunt Sarahlynn's house - it made their departure this morning a little easier. We can't wait to swing in Cousin Ellie and Cousin Ada's swings and visit the Magic House. Maybe we'll take pictures so I can post them...

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