Sunday, May 04, 2008

If Only There Were Instructions

We learned an important rule when out to dinner on Friday. Now, I really should have learned this rule in August of 2004 when the exact same lesson was learned by Paul, and in the same manner.

The Rule Is: Taste an item of food before giving it to your infant, especially in a restaurant.

Setting the scene:
Chili's on a Friday night. We've read that steamed broccoli is good for the digestive system, especially in a baby that is, let's say, having issues with that. I saw steamed broccoli on the menu, and ordered some just to give to Abby. Win-win scenario is that it gets steamed for her eating, and I don't have to do the steaming!

The Issue:
It would appear that "steamed" means "steamed in garlic and butter" at Chili's.

The Rule Being Broken:
I received my broccoli and promptly cut small pieces to give to Abby. After cutting enough to keep her occupied for a while, I licked the "extra water" off of my fingers from the cutting. I noticed then that there was a heavy taste of the garlic and butter. Too much for me, but I will tell you, Abby sure loved it.

It could have been worse, and she really did tear through that stuff. We think that any effects of shocking Abby's system with so much goodness has passed, and that's good.

Bottom Line:
Don't feed your child something in a restaurant without having tasted it yourself.

Guess I've got a lot to learn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd say the same rule applies at home, like the time I double-salted dinner.