Sunday, November 26, 2006

Telling our Secret, Episode 2!

Several weeks ago my sister Michelle was at our house for the weekend of her birthday. It happened to be the week that we found out our good news, so we HAD to tell her because there was no way we would not talk for the whole weekend about it.

She helped us decide how best to tell mom. I had several ideas that were all over the board, but here's what we ended up with:

While Michelle was here I picked up supplies and put them into a bag for her to take to school, then to their house in North Carolina. On Wednesday night before Thanksgiving I would put everything into motion.

I called Michelle on her call phone to let her know I was going to call mom on the land line. (yes, a bit convoluted. But necessary to the process!) While I was dialing the phone to call my mom, Michelle very sneakily put baby food on the dining room table. It was Thanksgiving so I picked up all the traditional favorites: turkey sticks, green beans, apple/cranberry mush, and sweet potatoes. All in baby food!

When I was talking to mom I said something along the lines of "Michelle should have put something on the table from you. Now I know that you don't normally do a regular thanksgiving dinner, but I thought these might be useful in the future!"

Needless to say, happiness abounds. :o)

A special Thank You goes out to Michelle for keeping my secret for so long!

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