Friday, December 07, 2007

First Snowfall Follow Up

Thanks for the "captions" on the picture from Abby's first snow. Fun!

As a follow-up to that post, here is another School Story:

Since the snow was still on the ground, one of the teachers went out and brought some inside in buckets for the babies to play with! Abby liked it so much, frozen hands and all, that she actually cried when they took the snow bucket away! Of course, she was completely contented when they brought it back to her.

Another reason we really like our daycare is the diversity that they teach. We acknowledge that she is getting a broader sense of things there than we could teach her. As Hanukkah began this week, they read books and learned stories about that part of the Jewish faith tradition. Since they will not be in school the week after Christmas, they will learn about Kwanzaa next week.

Yes, I also acknowledge that Abby is not yet a six month old (but soon, wait for Abby's "film" debut"), so they're doing more teaching than she is learning. That is not the point. She is being exposed to more at her young age than I was for a good chunk of my life. Our hope is that when we move her from here to another place later on there will be as much emphasis on diverse learning. I also hope that we can be better about it than generations in the past too.

Back to snow...
There is another snow picture that I want to take, but I don't think that the snow will last into tomorrow. Supposed to be warm enough today to melt a lot of the rest. I'm working on school to send us some of the pictures they have taken.....

Happy Weekend!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great place. You're really lucky I know so many people who are scrambling to find good childcare.

SarahKM126 said...

That's so awesome. I spent this week teaching about Hanukkah too and was so surprised that many of my kids had never heard of it! Granted, they were completely blown...they're mostly Hispanic children so they are all about Christmas and a small few celebrate 3 Kings day.
Don't worry, if you ever get stumped as she gets older, I'll hand over my holiday read aloud books! :) It sounds like such a great place!