Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Abby's Half Birthday

A visual trip through the last six months.....

Abby's First Six Months from Anny and Rob on Vimeo.

So much has changed. She's gotten bigger! She's gotten stronger! She's gotten smarter!

We have a visit with her doctor next week, so we will have technical specs to share then.

We're looking forward to whatever comes next!

(After two full-night-sleeping nights, Abby is up at 1:30. She's gotten stuffy again.....)


Denise said...

She is so beatiful.

Our New Baby said...

This video is truly amazing. How did you post it on your blog. I would love to do something like that. I hope that cold is now gone. Take care!

SarahKM126 said...

Okay, the last pic is the best! Thanks for sharing!

Our New Baby said...

I would have to agree. Look at those eyes, they paint a picture!