Tuesday, July 03, 2007

You Ask, You Receive

Many of you have requested new pictures to be shared.

I present: July 2007

Tomorrow is the Fourth of July and we'll be heading over to a friends house for a grilled picnic lunch. Abby will get to meet Evan and Luke for the first time. You may recall that they are two of the three later-in-life suitors!

Last Saturday Abby lost her umbilical cord stump! That's a milestone.
She's eating between three and four hours apart - 4 during the night means we get two shifts of good sleep!

Now that she is catching a nap, I should too. Enjoy the pictures and look for more tomorrow night!


Lis said...

Oh my gosh, she's so freakin cute. I can't wait for more pictures.

Our New Baby said...

Thank you for your comment about our loss. I am back posting again. Feel free to leave us some advice as we start to try again.