Thursday, June 26, 2008

Quick Post

Quick post on two things that have happened in the last couple of days, some good, some bad:

Abby got up the gusto to do some more walking on her own. She made a game out of it and got really excited. Very cute.
Anny and Abby went up to Baltimore with a friend and had a great time! (I don't know if Anny will post about it, but Stephanie did HERE.)

The Not-So-Good:
Abby pooped in the tub. It was funny, and my brother and S-I-L were over which kind of made it funnier. Lucky for us it was at the end of her bath, so I scooped her out and Anny got bleach doody duty.

The Just Plain Bad:
As I've mentioned, Abby is still co-sleeping with us. We're working toward transitioning her to her own crib again by the end of summer, but we're not there yet. Until last night, we have had no problems outside of her twisting and kicking me in my sleep. Last night, though, was bad. Abby sleeps in between us. Last night she got fussy and ended up on my side of the bed at some point. (You can see where this is going) At 1:00 on the dot, I was awakened by BOOM and crying.

Yep, Father-of-the-year candidate Rob Monroe let his only child fall out of bed in the middle of the night. But I think I'll stop writing that speech now.

She was fine and went right back to sleep. Between us.

Tonight we pick up the efforts to get her into her own, caged protected bed.


Amy said...

Best tool for removing poop from the tub - a fish net (the kind they use for lifting fish out of the tank when you buy them).

My kids have fallen out of the bed a dozen times. The first time is the hardest. After that, you're kind of like, "Well, if you weren't a bed hog, you wouldn't have this problem, now, would you??"

We transitioned MG out of our bed by starting her in the crib in the beginning of the night, then I brought her into bed with me when she woke up the first time. It was a good compromise for us, because we got to have "adult time" (wink wink) and I didn't have to get up to go quiet her down 100 times a night. Eventually, and by that I mean last week, she started sleeping through the night in her own bed. She's going to be 3 in August. *sigh*

Good luck!

Amy @ prettybabies

Sarahlynn said...

Oh, Rob. I have a little story for you.

Despite all medical advice to the contrary, I didn't sleep much while Ellie was in the hospital for her open heart surgery (12 weeks old! 8 skinny pounds!) because I felt the need to be at her bedside nearly constantly.

When we got home, we were all exhausted. And she was understandably a little sore and cranky. At some point, I took her out to the couch with me so that I could have some entertainment (TV) while we nursed and so that we didn't keep Paul awake unnecessarily. (He was plain wiped out, and it really made sense for one of us to get some sleep, so as to eventually relieve the other.)

Well, I fell asleep on the couch, naturally. And you can see where this is going, yes?

I was awakened by a gentle mewing sound. We don't have a cat. I found my 12-week-old, fresh-from-heart-surgery newborn lying face down on the carpet beside the couch, complaining softly about the change of venue.

Did I mention that she was lying on her chest, the way she had fallen? The chest that had recently been - but we won't go there this morning.

Of course I called the hospital to talk to the special cardiac surgical nurse, and of course I got a useless lecture about sleeping with babies on couches (duh!). But, you know, she's fine.

Feel better? You're welcome.