Thursday, October 25, 2007

Roll On Over to Me!

So, I mentioned that she had inadvertently rolled from her back to her front two weeks ago and was told that it was probably not a fluke, but rather a development.

Now we know very clearly that she's a roller. She can spot something she wants, and will spin or roll to get it! At school she rolled completely off the blue mat. (Like the ones you had in gym class in school)

We've already begun to baby proof, but it might be time to latch the toilets and cabinets closed! Crawling is not too far off, I fear.

As this is our 101st post, I thought we should celebrate in a couple of ways.

One: An Adorable Picture:

From October 2007

Two: A New Feature:
I think it would be great to have a weekly caption contest! Please use the above photo as your first inspiration. Leave your caption in the comments below.

Three: A Hidden Post
We worked in spurts and I think we're okay with the Birth Story, finally. Since it's long and not everyone wants such details. If you're interested in reading about the actual day that Abigail was born, click HERE and read on.


Our New Baby said...

I would love to borrow that book from you. Please email me at and I will send you my address

Sarahlynn said...

"If you look up "baby" in the dictionary, you'll probably see a picture of me. I'm perfect!"

Our New Baby said...

I guess you are write. How are things going for you?