Thursday, August 02, 2007

My Baby is Brilliant!

At six weeks old (seven now) we took a short video of Abby. I refuse to buy a video camera because I am "not the type to want to preserve that stuff" but had to get this one down!

We have a Baby Einstein Play Gym for Abby. Of course you could assume it's for Abby, but it's been hard to convince RustyDog that it's not his toy. He's learning.

So, one of the best features of the Play Gym is that it have a song and lights feature on the piece that hangs at the very top. Abby loves the lights, and since it's usually directly under the ceiling fan, it's a bonus filled fun time!

We were taken aback last week when we noticed that Abby has figured out already how to make the sensor play the music and lights! You have to move the supports enough for the star to detect movement and the fun abounds. She has already learned how to kick the support pole so that she can enjoy the show!

Don't believe me, check out this video:

We're not yet ready to put our baby on YouTube, but if she keeps being perfect AND adorable, that stance may change soon!!


Alex said...

that's awesome dude! if you find out they make adult size ones please let me know. i'm really enjoying the blog.

SarahKM126 said...

She is brilliant!!!
I think she gets her incredibly smarts from your sister in law's best friend.

paulboal said...

I love that milestone! I'm sure that she gets her genius from her mother's side of the family, though. ;)

I do love all the milestones that we get to brag on during the first year when they're all so close together - first non-meconium poo, first time getting more than 2 hours of sleep in a row, first blow-out with no spare clothes, first tooth cutting, first solid poo... it's all so worth it!!