Sunday, April 22, 2007

"We" Put the Crib Together!

We decided to put the crib together yesterday, so that we have a feeling of a little more progress. There are too many projects to count around here, so when we get something done, we're going to brag about it!

Ben and Steph had a crash-test-baby, but we find that Rusty works well to test out our assemblywork.

I'm glad, in retrospect, that we painted the green hills as high as we did. I didn't even think about the crib when I was designing the room! The hills are higher than the crib, and that's a good thing!

I feel productive, so will take today off.... just kidding!


Anonymous said...

Rusty seems like a good sport. Can't wait to see how the whole room comes together!

Anonymous said...

Of course Rusty would sit in there like a little doll....wonder who trained him so well when he was little o:)
See ya'll this weekend!

paulboal said...

Looks like you were smart enough to assemble the crib INside the nursery. When I built ours the first time, I wanted to do it while watching TV... thought I'd just scoot it into the nursery. It turns out that one of the "safety" features of cribs is that they're wider than a standard doorway... just in case your toddler has the strength to bounce it across the carpet, out the door, down the hall, and over the stairs. At least it IS faster to assemble the second time.

Rob Monroe said...

Paul - we were advised about putting it together in the room. I too would have prefered to sit and watch the hockey games that were on. Better to not have to take it apart to get it in the room!